a - z指数



A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | x | y | z


  • 可访问性: 的 ability for all individuals, including those with disabilities, to understand and interact with a website.
  • 操作工具栏: A menu with available actions when an asset is selected in the CMS. 更多关于 操作工具栏.
  • Alt Text (also Image Description): An input field required while adding images to pages. Alt text is needed in the event an image doesn't load. It is also required for accessibility standards, as the visually impaired cannot see images. Alt text provides descriptive text where images would be.
  • 分析:看 网络分析.
  • , 锚点链接:锚点用于指定页面上可以直接链接到的特定区域. 锚是使用页面内容区域中可用的Section或网格 ID字段定义的. After an anchor has been designated, an 锚点链接 to it can be created.
  • 资产, 资产树: 资产s are the pages, folders and files (PDFs, Word documents, etc.) that comprise a site in the CMS. 的 资产树 is the left column in the CMS interface that displays the assets. 
  • 资产 Factories: “快捷方式”用于从头开始创建资产或基于现有的预配置基本资产. 的se help users get their work done faster. 更多关于 asset factories


  • 后端:用于建设网站的CMS软件,只有获得授权的网站管理员才能使用.
  • 基础资产: Page and asset examples available in every CMS site. 更多关于 基础资产.
  • 基础文件夹: 的 top-most folder in the 资产树 containing the entire site; the folder with the site's name in the CMS
  • 批处理操作: Actions that can be performed on multiple assets at the same time. 更多关于 批处理操作.
  • :“可重用资产”,可以放置在模板或多个页面的部分中. 这允许内容出现在许多页面中,而总是从一个地方更新, making it easy to maintain consistency across many pages. 级联用户可以在无限数量的页面区域上重用单个块.
  • Breadcrumb Links: Links that provide 导航 页面上. 它们以一串水平链接的形式出现在第一个内容区域上方,用于引用与主页相关的页面位置.


  • 行动呼吁: A set of words, typically used as a link, 推动用户执行特定任务,如“立即申请”或“今天捐赠”." A call to action button style (btn) is available when 创建链接.
  • 级联CMS: 的 software used for the CMS service.
  • 选择器: CMS中的一种工具,用于在执行诸如添加图像或链接到页面等任务时选择资产. 更多关于 选择器.
  • CMS:内容管理系统的缩写,用于建立网站的web应用程序.
  • 上下文菜单:当右键单击CMS中的资源时,具有可用操作的菜单. 更多关于 上下文菜单.
  • CSS:看 HTML / CSS
  • Custodian/Contributor: User roles in Cascade. 贡献者(编辑)是那些修改和维护站点内容的人. Custodians (managers) will review 内容 and can publish edits. If a site doesn't have a custodian, the webteam serves that role. 


  • 指示板: CMS中的主区域,包含有助于方便站点管理的小部件(工具). 更多关于 指示板.
  • Data Definitions: A collection of fields used to create 内容. 数据定义允许用户在一系列表单字段中输入内容,以创建结构化页面,而不需要额外的格式化. 的re are 15 types of input including 所见即所得 ("What You See Is What You Get") rich-text fields, 复选框, 单选按钮, multi-select and drop-down lists, and page and file choosers that reference 内容 managed in 级联CMS.


  • 展开/折叠手风琴的一个特性,它提供了一种方法来显示最初折叠(隐藏)状态的内容,并通过可点击的链接展开它. 更多关于 手风琴.


  • 前端: 的 public-facing website available to website visitors; the front-end is accessed by visiting a site's official URL.


  • Google 分析: 为测量和分析网站访问者数据而提供的服务. 更多关于 网络分析.
  • 网格:一种预先格式化的设计,用于由内容框组成的页面布局. 网格s are available to use on several templates.


  • 汉堡菜单: A menu represented by three horizontal lines ☰. 的re is a hamburger menu on the front-end on the templates (used to access site 导航)  back-end in the CMS (used to access the system menu).
  • 头/英雄: A large visual at the top of a page. It may contain a random or user-defined photo or, on the Site-home template, options also include a feature rotator or sales point. 更多关于 Header.
  • HTML / CSS: HTML是网页的标准标记语言,CSS用于设计和格式化网页的布局.


  • 索引页: 的 landing or main page of a folder; all folders that should be included in the 导航 are required to have a page with a system name of 指数 (all lowercase). 
  • 索引: 的 process of including assets in elements that are auto-generated such as the 导航; when 指数ing is disabled on an asset, it will no longer be included in the auto-generated elements; breadcrumb links are also turned off 页面上.


  • 导航:使用每个页面上可用的菜单遍历站点的功能. 导航 on each site is managed with a block called Presets


  • 父文件夹: 的 folder in which an asset resides; assets within a folder are referred to as its children assets.
  • Presets: A reusable block used to build 导航al header and footer elements. 更多关于Presets.
  • Production Server:在线网站所在的网络服务器,在网站启动后可供网站访问者使用. 更多关于 servers in the 出版 process.
  • 发布: 的 act of pushing 内容 from the CMS to a web server. 更多关于 出版.


  • Responsive (also Mobile-friendly):网站或web应用程序适应多个平台的能力, 设备, and display sizes to provide the best possible user experience. 的 university templates 和 CMS are both responsive.


  • 搜索 Engine Optimization (SEO)使网站更容易通过谷歌或必应等互联网搜索引擎找到的过程. 更多关于 search engine optimization.
  • Section (AKA group or panel) Heading:在页面编辑界面中,用于面板、手风琴等部分的组标签. 更多关于 section headings in editing a specialty template page.
  • Siteimprove: 一种大学使用的软件工具,为院系提供基于云的服务,使他们的网站更好. 更多关于 Siteimprove.
  • 网站地图: used during the planning of a website, 这是一个帮助组织页面和建立预期层次结构的工具. 查看更多 and an example of 站点地图.
  • 网站框架: essentially the prototype or foundation. It is the “skeletal structure” beneath the skin or surface of a website. Like the bones in your body, 你的原型是什么给你的网站形式,必须在外层之前到位.
  • Site-home template: 的 most flexible specialty template currently available. Well suited for a site's landing page, 它可以大量定制并快速连接到内部内容页面. It's flexibility allows it to include features, promotions news, updates and other important information. 查看更多 available page templates


  • 标签路径: A reference tool at the bottom of a 所见即所得 which displays the HTML elements as you work on them (such as a paragraph or link); it also allows you to select a tag and apply a style. 更多关于 所见即所得 editors and 标签路径.
  • Templates (or page type): 格式化并用于特定类型内容的一组数据定义. 大学有两种主要的模板,基本选项和网上赌博网站十大排行的专业变体. 更多关于 template options.
  • 测试服务器: A web server in which to publish 内容 to for previewing and testing purposes; available to use with all sites. 更多关于 servers in the 出版 process.


  • URL: A website's address; most CMS website URLs begin with www.卡耐基-梅隆.edu.
  • 用户: 通常用于参考网站贡献者(编辑)和保管人(管理人员).e., CMS users who manage a site.
  • 用户菜单CMS中的菜单,包含系统设置、历史记录、通知等. 更多关于 用户菜单.


  • 版本: 级联CMS archives previous 版本 of a webpage or asset. 如果您覆盖或丢失了有价值的信息,网络团队可能能够帮助恢复. 更多关于 版本.


  • 网络分析:测量和分析网站访问者数据,以了解和优化网站使用情况. 更多关于 网络分析.
  • 网络搜索: 的 university's web search tool incorporated into all CMS sites.
  • Website Visitors: Your website's audience; visitors who access your site via the official URL.
  • 小部件: A tool provided on the dashboard to facilitate management of sites, 内容, 通知, 和更多的. 更多关于 Cascade dashboard.
  • 线框图: A 'mockup' of an individual webpage or elements of a webpage. 的 webteam will reference these when building pages. 更多关于 wireframes in web planning tools
  • 所见即所得: Acronym for "what you see is what you get"; an open 内容 area for text, images, media 和更多的. 更多关于 所见即所得.