a - z指数


& (&)

在大多数情况下拼出and. 保留&符号作为设计元素在图表和其他地方的空间是宝贵的. Use if this mark is part of a company's name: Maryville's A&G餐厅.


To form the possessive of singular nouns add 's. 要构成以“s”结尾的复数和单数名词的所有格,只需加撇号.


Linda's 熊猫 softball jersey is green.

The 熊猫s' football jerseys are green.

Dr. Stevens' freshman composition syllabus is available online.

The Stevenses' new minivan is 熊猫 green.

We graded the children's writing assignments at the lab school.



He still needs 36 hours' credit to graduate.


She earned 15 hours of credit this semester.

Dr. Davis has 20 years' experience teaching political science.

Dr. Davis has 20 years of experience teaching political science.

定语名词(修饰后面名词的形容词)通常不属于所有格, 退伍军人事务部.

It's is the contraction for "it is" or "it has" and not the possessive form.


The fraternity held its annual philanthropy event.


与任何特殊类型样式的pr字体一样, punctuation follows the style of the word immediately preceding it.


Place the colon outside quotation marks or parentheses. If a quoted passage happens to end with a colon, drop the colon. Here are some other guidelines and examples:

  1. Use a colon to introduce explanatory or other related matter. 在冒号之后留一个空格,并且解释性从句的第一个单词不要大写.
    • “规定很明确:学生在下午5点之前不能把车停在教职员工停车场.m."
  2. 用冒号来引语.
    • 登上领奖台, 奥巴马总统对议员们说:“很明显,国会必须采取某种行动来解决这些问题."
  3. Use a colon to introduce a list or series.
    • “网上赌博网站十大排行每年都会举办一系列多元文化活动:ISO宴会, Ploghoft多样性讲座, the Feast of Cultures and the Northwest Powwow."
    • 如果列表是句子任何部分的宾语或补语,不要使用冒号.
    • 今年在网上赌博网站十大排行举办的多元文化活动包括ISO宴会, Ploghoft多样性讲座, the Feast of Cultures and the Northwest Powwow."
  4. 在“as follows”和“the following”等结构之后,只有当列表或说明事项紧随其后时才使用冒号.
    • Incorrect: The assignments are as follows. 请注意截止日期是下周五:
    • Correct: The assignments are as follows: (List goes here.)
  5. The colon can be used to indicate a shift in tone or a grammatical break. Although correct grammatically, such constructions are often ambiguous. 尝试使用破折号(−)代替.
    • "There is no longer any doubt: smoking is a serious health risk."
    • "There is no longer any doubt − smoking is a serious health risk."


逗号可能是最常用和最误用的标点符号. 当有疑问时, leave the comma out" is a good rule of thumb, but here are some specific rules and guidelines.

  1. Like periods, commas always go inside quotes.
  2. Use commas to separate three or more items in a series. 在连接最后两个项目的连词(如果有的话)前不要使用逗号:“校长给所有院长发了一封电子邮件?, 董事及部门主管."
  3. 如果一个系列中的条目包含内部标点符号(包括逗号)或非常长或复杂, 用分号隔开:“委员会由以下成员组成:马丁·利文森, vice president for university marketing and communication; Dr. Kay Potter, vice president for student affairs; Terry Hart, director of facility services; and Dr. Martin Dysart, dean of the College of Education and Human Services."
    • 在这样的列表中,在连接最后两个项目的连词之前放置分号是不正确的.
  4. 在连接复合句分句的连词前使用逗号:“the holidays are over”, and it's time to start thinking about the summer workshop schedule.
    • 小心那些含有独立从句和从属从句的句子,它们由连词连接. 在这种表达中不需要逗号:“他10年前买了那辆卡车,从来没有开过." "Professor Jones has a laptop but seldom uses it for anything but e-mail."
  5. Use a comma or pair of commas to set off a nonrestrictive clause. 如果一个从句可以被省略而不改变主句的意思,那么它就是非限制性从句:"'哈克贝利·费恩历险记,' which is often banned by school boards, is one of the best American novels ever written."
  6. 用逗号隔开介绍性从句:"If he received an American Dream Grant ., Lee will be able to start classes in January."
    • 但如果主句先出现,就不要用逗号:“如果李获得美国梦助学金,他将在一月份开始上课。."
  7. 使用逗号来分隔与句子其他部分密切相关的括号元素. 使用破折号(-)或圆括号()来分隔不那么密切相关的元素:
    • 有传言说,这位教授已经决定不教他那门很受欢迎的秋季研讨班."
    • “校长在暴风雪后取消课程的决定,退一步说,受到了许多学生的欢迎."
    • A number of student organizations (Minority Men Organization, 国际学生组织, 西班牙裔美国人领导组织(Hispanic American Leadership Organization)和黑人大学生联盟(Alliance of Black Collegians)帮助策划了这次宴会.
  8. 表面上看, 在邀请函中,最好不要在文本的中间行结尾使用逗号, 标题, 标题, 类似的地方.
  9. Appositives are usually set off by commas, 除非他们的职能是限制性的:“教育领导部门的主席, 詹尼斯·皮尔斯博士, spent many years as a teacher and administrator in public schools."
    • "Bill's wife, Martha, runs the Upward Bound program in the TRIO office."
  10. If two or more adjectives modify a noun, separate them with commas:
    • "Dr. 帕特里克·奥马利(Patrick O'Malley)以要求学生通过漫长而严格的考试而闻名.
    • 但是,如果第一个形容词修饰第二个形容词和名词的组合,则不要使用逗号. 罗宾逊告诉瑞克,她没有时间考虑他那些琐碎的语法问题."
    • 在句子中的城市/州组合中,州名前后加逗号:" the University is located in Maryville ., which is about two hours north of Kansas City, Mo.,在71号公路上.
  11. 在Jr之前不要用逗号., Sr.、二、三等. 它们是这个人名字的一部分,因此不应该与它分开:“汤姆·斯托帕德是作家会议的主旨发言人."
  12. Don't use a comma after words ending in -ly. 从本质上讲,学生会提议网上赌博网站十大排行成为一个无烟校园.


大学出版物中使用的破折号有两种:连字符(-)和连字符(-)。. Each has a number of specific uses that should not be confused. Though every rule has an exception, the em dash (- ) is best avoided.

连字符: 这个标点符号用于分隔连字符复合的元素(在屏幕上或讲西班牙语的学生),或在文本的行末分隔单词.

连字符还可以表示持续时间或连续或包含数字,如日期和时间. 在这个应用程序中, do not put a space on either side of the punctuation mark: 1831-1995, August-September 1955, 2005-2006财政年度.

When indicating duration or inclusive numbers, 如果使用破折号,请使用数字:“夏季阅读计划适用于6-12岁的儿童”和“西北地区的学生应该计划每学期学习12-15个小时。.以下是在复合词中使用连字符的一些一般准则. 如果有疑问,请查阅《正规博彩网站评级正规博彩平台》或《正规博彩网站评级正规博彩平台》."

  1. 不要在以-ly结尾的单词后面使用连字符或逗号:“Charley Nichols非常适合担任学生会主席."
  2. 带有century的复合词用作修饰语时要连字符:nine -century warfare, 14 th世纪艺术.
  3. 带有well前缀的复合词在名词前应加连字符,在名词后加开字符(不加连字符). The young professor is the daughter of a well-known mathematician.
  4. 使用连字符和临时复合词, such as those invented by the writer: quasi-realistic, the alumni chapter's post-Homecoming party. 当一个复合词可以在《正规博彩网站评级正规博彩平台》中找到时,它就是永久性的," the "AP Stylebook" or this style guide.
  5. 使用连字符来防止误读, 即连接两个或多个单词,这样它们就不会被误解为修饰其他单词:“Brenda is a high school student”而不是“Brenda is a high school student”.(布伦达是一名高中生,而不是吸毒的学生.) "Edward is a civil-rights activist" not "Edward is a civil rights activist.(爱德华支持公民权利,而不是爱德华是一个有礼貌的权利活动家.)
  6. 当前缀的最后一个字母和单词的第一个字母相同(非本地)时,使用连字符以增加清晰度。, 或者如果术语写成一个单词(re-signed/resign)可能会引起混淆。.
  7. 当第二个元素以大写字母或数字开头时,使用连字符:anti-American, 非大学, 80后, 1968年以前.
  8. 带有-like和-wide的复合词通常是封闭的,除非专有名词或其他形式中封闭的复合词可能会令人困惑(比如以-l结尾的词), Reagan-like, deerlike, 清脆的, collegewide, 全校, Universitywide(避免).
  9. 参考《正规博彩网站评级正规博彩平台》或《正规博彩网站评级正规博彩平台》来确定常见的复合词是闭合还是连字符,比如终身的(闭合的)还是生命大小的(连字符的).

当在拷贝的行尾使用连字符来分隔单词时,要尽可能地限制连字符. 如果可以的话,关闭连字符. If you can't, follow these general rules:

  1. 不要把连字符复合词放在它的任何一个组成词中间. If the compound must be broken, break it after the hyphen.
  2. 避免在行首或行尾只留下一两个字母的断行.
  3. 避免破坏个人姓名, 专有名词, 电话或传真号码, e-mail or WWW addresses and elements of street and mailing addresses. 如果你必须在网页地址或电子邮件地址前加标点符号.

横线(-): 破折号通常用于引入解释性短语,或者在思想或言语中出现比逗号更大的停顿. 在这个应用程序中-拜托,拜托,非常拜托-在破折号的两边使用一个空格. Like ellipses, such dashes are treated exactly as if they were a word.

不要过度使用破折号. Consider commas and parentheses as alternatives.

当使用from/to结构时, 用“to”代替en破折号, 并包括日历年的前两位数字:“该计划接受1至5岁的儿童”和“安妮·费兰于1975年至1978年就读于网上赌博网站十大排行。."



南非, 印度, 日本, 韩国, 英格兰——这些只是西北国际社会成员所代表的几个国家.



一个椭圆, 由三个句号组成的标点符号,中间无空格,两端各有一个空格(…), indicates the omission of words from quoted text:

例1:棱镜演奏是一种多面呈现,其间音乐是连续的, 表演在整个礼堂空间的不同位置上演.



例2:博士. 保罗边缘, of the University of Louisville School of Music, has been commissioned to compose the centennial work, which will feature the Northwest Tower Choir and Northwest Wind Symphony. Additional performers will appear in order to enhance the prism effect.

Dr. 保罗边缘, of the University of Louisville School of Music, has been commissioned to compose the centennial work. … Additional performers will appear in order to enhance the prism effect.


例3:以大学档案为特色的陈列柜继续吸引校园社区和游客的青睐. For those who haven't seen them, there are two displays in the J.W. 琼斯学生会,一个在行政大楼,一个在校友楼. University Archivist Carol Peterson changes the displays monthly.

以大学档案为特色的陈列柜继续吸引着校园社区和游客的青睐. … University Archivist Carol Peterson changes the displays monthly.

注意,如果省略号前面的物质是一个完整的句子,它以句号后跟空格(. …). 逗号就不一样了:


期 should only be used with complete thoughts or sentences, 它们应该放在引号里. 不要认为一个完整的思想必须既有名词又有动词. 为什么? 只是不.



期 and commas belong inside quotation marks, even when the quotation ends a sentence or consists of a single word. 分号s and colons always fall outside quotation marks. If the quoted passage ends with a colon or semicolon, drop it.

问号和感叹号只有在引用的部分内容很重要时才应该放在引号里面. 尽量不要使用感叹号,除非它们是引语的必要部分.

引用中的引用使用单引号:“我认为我的儿子在网上赌博网站十大排行会很开心,一位家长说. “在回家的路上,他不停地问,‘他们真的会给我一台笔记本电脑吗?'"


The semicolon is frequently misused and overused. 不要依靠这个标点符号来为结构不佳的句子辩护. 然而, semicolons are often the best option for separating items in a series, especially those requiring internal commas or other punctuation.

例子:Martin Levinson, vice president for university marketing and communication; Jill Williams, vice president for student affairs; and Dr. Carl Carson, dean of the College of Arts and Sciences all attended the Eggs & 问题会议.

